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We'll Clean Your Carpets, Deodorise Them, Increase Their Resistance to Stains and Dirt, And We'll Have Them DRY WITHIN 30 MINUTES of Being Cleaned

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Check out our cleaning process!


Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, with its charming streets, historical buildings, and vibrant community, exudes a quintessential English charm. From the stunning stained glass windows of St. Mary's Church to the peaceful tranquility of Ramsey Abbey, every corner tells a story. However, even the most treasured spaces, like your home, can suffer from wear and tear, especially when it comes to carpets. That's where Primodry Carpet Cleaning steps in, bringing a touch of magic (and cleanliness!) to your Ramsey carpets.

Unlike traditional cleaning methods that leave carpets soaking wet and your home disrupted for hours, Primodry utilises a revolutionary low-moisture system. Imagine enjoying clean, revitalised carpets within 30 minutes – that's the Primodry promise! Our heated bonnet cleaning method, similar to polishing a fine car, gently lifts dirt and grime deep within the carpet fibres, leaving them refreshed and renewed.

Just like the meticulous restoration of Ramsey Abbey's medieval architecture, Primodry takes a careful and detailed approach to carpet cleaning. We begin by identifying the unique type of carpet in your home. This ensures we use the proper cleaning solutions and techniques, tailored to your specific needs. Just like the historical treasures of Peckover House are meticulously dusted and polished, our process involves thorough vacuuming to remove surface dirt.

Next, we apply a pre-spray solution, working like a gentle yet effective historian, uncovering the true beauty beneath layers of dust and grime. The solution loosens dirt and soil, preparing the carpet for the star of the show: our heated bonnet cleaning system. Similar to the quiet hum of a guided tour through Ramsey's tranquil gardens, our whisper-quiet technology makes the cleaning process virtually silent, perfect for homes, offices, or even sensitive environments like libraries or nursing homes.

As the heated bonnet glides across your carpet, it's like watching the vibrant colours of the Ramsey Rural Museum exhibits come back to life. Not only does this innovative system remove dirt, but it also applies an anti-soil and anti-stain protector, creating an invisible shield against future spills and muddy footprints. Think of it as preserving your carpet's beauty for generations to come, just like the timeless spirit of Ramsey itself.

Finally, we groom the carpet fibres, ensuring a smooth, professional finish. The result? Carpets that look, feel, and smell fresh and revitalised, ready to become a welcoming haven in your Ramsey home.

So, if your carpets are in need of a little TLC, consider Primodry's low-moisture magic. Contact us today for a free quote and experience the difference. Remember, with Primodry, carpet cleaning in Ramsey is a quick, quiet, and hassle-free experience, leaving you with nothing but beautiful, clean carpets and the time to rediscover the charm of your own Ramsey adventure.

Our Cambridge Company Address

Our Services

  • Domestic Carpet Cleaning
  • Commercial Carpet Cleaning
  • Upholstery Cleaning
  • Deodorisation

Get In Touch

Tel: 0122-385-7040