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We'll Clean Your Carpets, Deodorise Them, Increase Their Resistance to Stains and Dirt, And We'll Have Them DRY WITHIN 30 MINUTES of Being Cleaned

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Check out our cleaning process!


Ely, nestled amidst the idyllic Cambridgeshire countryside, boasts a rich history and charm that permeates its very fabric. From the soaring majesty of its cathedral to the tranquil beauty of its river walks, Ely enchants visitors and residents alike. Just like the town itself, carpets in Ely homes experience their own unique wear and tear, accumulating dirt, dust, and stains over time. However, unlike the enduring brickwork of the cathedral, carpets require regular care to maintain their vibrancy and freshness. This is where Primodry Carpet Cleaning steps in, offering a revolutionary low-moisture cleaning system that breathes new life into your Ely carpets.

Forget the days of soggy carpets and lingering dampness. Primodry utilises a heated bonnet cleaning system, a marvel of modern technology that gently cleans and revitalises your carpets using minimal moisture. Picture this: a soft bonnet glides across your carpet, whisking away dirt and grime. But it doesn't stop there! The bonnet, equipped with a heated pad and powerful cleaning solution, penetrates deep into the fibres, lifting stubborn stains and leaving your carpets looking and feeling refreshed.

But what truly sets Primodry apart is the speed and efficiency of our low-moisture system. Unlike traditional methods that leave carpets wet for hours, even days, our heated bonnet dries your carpets within a mere 30 minutes! This means minimal disruption to your daily life, making it ideal for busy households or sensitive environments like offices or childcare facilities. Imagine enjoying sparkling clean carpets without the inconvenience of waiting hours or tiptoeing around wet floors.

But speed and convenience aren't our only priorities. Primodry understands the unique needs of different carpets. That's why our skilled technicians begin by identifying the type of carpet you have, ensuring the perfect cleaning approach. We then follow a meticulous process that includes thorough vacuuming, pre-spray application to loosen dirt, thorough agitation, and finally, the heated bonnet cleaning with an anti-soil and anti-stain protection treatment. This comprehensive approach not only cleans your carpets but also helps them resist future wear and tear, keeping them looking their best for longer.

So, if you're looking for "carpet cleaning in Ely" that prioritises speed, efficiency, and long-lasting results, look no further than Primodry. Contact us today for a free quote and experience the Primodry difference. Remember, beautiful, clean carpets are just a bonnet-buff away!

Our Cambridge Company Address

Our Services

  • Domestic Carpet Cleaning
  • Commercial Carpet Cleaning
  • Upholstery Cleaning
  • Deodorisation

Get In Touch

Tel: 0122-385-7040