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We'll Clean Your Carpets, Deodorise Them, Increase Their Resistance to Stains and Dirt, And We'll Have Them DRY WITHIN 30 MINUTES of Being Cleaned

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Check out our cleaning process!


Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Cambridgeshire, Little Eversden breathes an air of quaint charm. From the idyllic cricket green and the historic St Mary's Church to the bustling farmers' market and the welcoming warmth of local pubs, the village pulses with a friendly, community spirit. Just like those cherished landmarks, your carpets also contribute to the character of your home, creating a foundation for happy memories and everyday life. However, time and wear can take their toll, leaving carpets looking lacklustre and feeling less than inviting. That's where Primodry steps in, offering a unique and gentle approach to carpet cleaning in Little Eversden.

Unlike traditional methods that saturate carpets with gallons of water, Primodry utilises a low-moisture, heated bonnet cleaning system. Picture this: a soft, absorbent bonnet glides seamlessly across your carpet, working in tandem with a hot pad and specially formulated cleaning solution. The secret lies in the bonnet's built-in heat blower, which dries carpets within a remarkable 30 minutes. No more soggy floors or lingering dampness, just refreshed carpets ready to be enjoyed immediately.

But Primodry's magic goes beyond speed. Our commitment to care starts with a thorough understanding of your carpet's unique characteristics. We identify the fibre type and construction, ensuring the cleaning process caters to its specific needs. Powerful yet gentle vacuuming removes loose dirt and debris, followed by a targeted pre-spray that loosens stubborn grime. The innovative CRB (Counter Rotating Brush) agitates the carpet fibres, releasing built-up soil and allergens. Then comes the star of the show: the heated bonnet cleaning. As the bonnet gently massages the carpet, the hot solution dissolves dirt and impurities, while our anti-soil and anti-stain protection forms a shield against future spills and muddy footprints. Finally, meticulous grooming ensures a smooth, even finish – just like the cricket green after a refreshing spring trim.

Primodry understands that noise disruption can be a concern, especially in close-knit communities like Little Eversden. That's why our whisper-quiet technology ensures minimal disruption, allowing you to go about your day while your carpets receive their revitalising treatment.

So, if your Little Eversden home needs a touch of renewed freshness, let Primodry bring your carpets back to life. Contact us today for a free quote and experience the Primodry difference – gentle, effective, and kind to your time and your community. Remember, vibrant carpets contribute to a vibrant home, and in Little Eversden, vibrant homes create a vibrant village. Let's keep it that way, one clean carpet at a time.

Our Cambridge Company Address

Our Services

  • Domestic Carpet Cleaning
  • Commercial Carpet Cleaning
  • Upholstery Cleaning
  • Deodorisation

Get In Touch

Tel: 0122-385-7040